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  1. Past hour
  2. photo of member

    Head speed 2022

    head speed mp 2022 grip 2 recommand to string with head tennis bag asking for 1000
  3. photo of member

    Pure Drive 2025 300g Grip 2

    how much?
  4. Today
  5. Yonex vcore tour hg 330g grip 2 hkd550
  6. *Played once only* 100 sq inch Grip 2 300 gram String with rpm blast 46 lbs Meetup at 鑽石山 觀塘
  7. photo of member

    Pure aero 100 grip 1

    $1100 now plz DM 係到留言冇通知
  8. Yesterday
  9. photo of member


    1. Luxilon Element 16L/1.25 String x 2 $155x2=$310 $17.95 https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Luxilon_Element_16L_125_String/descpageACWILSON-LE125.html 2. Luxilon ALU Power Rough 16L/1.25 String Reel - 726' $2486 $301.95 https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Luxilon_ALU_Power_Rough_16L_125_String_Reel_-_726/descpageACWILSON-ALUPR16R.html 不設更換 溫馨提示: 貨品有時會延遲到港
  10. photo of member

    Wilson RF01

    Wtb 1
  11. photo of member


    你好。 希望訂購以下產品: 1. Luxilon Element 16L/1.25 String x 2 packs https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Luxilon_Element_16L_125_String/descpageACWILSON-LE125.html 2. Luxilon ALU Power Rough 16L/1.25 String Reel - 726' x 1 reel https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Luxilon_ALU_Power_Rough_16L_125_String_Reel_-_726/descpageACWILSON-ALUPR16R.html 請報價。謝謝
  12. photo of member

    Speed Pro Graphene XT 2022 Special Ed. 315g

    Grip 3, 18x20 strung
  13. Good condition. Scratch marks from normal use. Sell for HK$ 1,000
  14. Last week
  15. photo of member

    Looking for Yonex SV 100

    ok, 我在去銀禧果邊閘內等你
  16. photo of member

    Looking for Yonex SV 100

    Can trade today at Fotan station at 5:40pm. See you.
  17. photo of member

    Looking for Yonex SV 100

    可今天5:40 交易
  18. photo of member

    Looking for Yonex SV 100

    也可利用pm 溝通
  19. photo of member

    Looking for Yonex SV 100

    can trade tmr at Fo Tan?
  20. photo of member

    Looking for Yonex SV 100

    7 digits whatsapp? I can trade in Fotan railway station at 17:40 every weekdays or after 9am in Tun Mun V-city on the week end.
  21. photo of member

    Classic Prince Oversize

    Sold to a nice c hing
  22. 今期的匯率是 8.1 大約到港日期 : 26/2 現正接受訂購,因 Tennis Warehouse 的貨品流量很快,所以請盡早 '落訂' 本會便會在 '落訂' 當晚幫你留貨. 謝謝
  23. photo of member

    1st Agassi Head Radical

    Interested, please see PM
  24. photo of member

    10-2-2025 (美國) 上期

    本期現已截止訂購,多謝各位支持 今晚 8:00 前還沒有付訂金,會當你放棄貨品。如逾時交訂金將會自動撥在下一期,恕不另行通知。
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